Study Guide

Field 217: Family and Consumer Sciences
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Each multiple-choice question has four answer choices. Read each question and its answer choices carefully and choose the ONE best answer.

During the test you should try to answer all questions. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will NOT be penalized for choosing an incorrect response.

Objective 0001 
Understand human growth and development across the life span.

1. Which of the following factors is likely to contribute most to a delayed onset of puberty?

  1. social isolation
  2. stressful living environment
  3. clinical depression
  4. inadequate nutrition
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Correct Response: D.
Nutrition has a significant role in the onset of puberty. Consuming a balanced, healthy diet is necessary for proper growth. Not having enough food to eat or not obtaining the proper nutrients can delay the onset of puberty. For example, a girl's body requires a certain percentage of body fat before normal pubertal development can begin. Adequate nutrition is necessary for this level of body fat to be achieved.

Objective 0002 
Understand the family, including nutrition and wellness practices that enhance individual and family well-being.

2. Along with keeping communication moving toward a desired goal during a family conflict, the use of active listening skills has which of the following additional benefits?

  1. promoting directness in the expression of concerns
  2. minimizing the tendency to focus on personal traits instead of issues
  3. encouraging reciprocal self-disclosure of feelings
  4. conveying a message of involvement and interest in another's perspective
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Correct Response: D.
Active listening strategies reflect that the listener has not only heard but also understood the message conveyed by the speaker. Often just knowing that people have been heard is enough to help them consider other perspectives. If the family conflict is emotionally charged, it can be particularly helpful for the speaker to know the message was truly understood. This can prevent family members from being overwhelmed by negative feelings, which can impede coming to an effective resolution.

Objective 0002 
Understand the family, including nutrition and wellness practices that enhance individual and family well-being.

3. Which of the following approaches would best address the age-related loss of muscle and strength?

  1. increasing the level of complex carbohydrates and fiber relevant to overall caloric intake
  2. combining a protein-rich diet with resistance exercises
  3. including vitamin supplements to offset the increasing inability to metabolize nutrients
  4. engaging in cardiac exercise to increase overall rate of metabolism
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Correct Response: B.
Age-related muscle loss leads to greater weakness and lower mobility, both of which may increase a person's risk of falls and broken bones. The best way to build muscle mass is resistance training, engaging in resistance exercises that target all the major muscle groups.

Consuming enough protein is also critical to maintaining muscle mass. As people age, their bodies' ability to break down and synthesize proteins decreases. Therefore, consuming a diet that is sufficient in protein is another essential part of maintaining muscle mass.

Objective 0003 
Understand parenting roles, responsibilities, and practices.

4. A couple who have been struggling with infertility are considering pursuing in vitro fertilization as a path to parenthood. When making this decision, the couple should be aware that in vitro fertilization includes an increased chance of:

  1. late-term miscarriage.
  2. chromosomal abnormality.
  3. multiple births.
  4. maternal infection.
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Correct Response: C.
In vitro fertilization often involves the insertion of multiple embryos to increase the chances of at least one successful embryo implantation. However, inserting multiple embryos carries with it a chance that more than one embryo will succeed. Multiple births can be risky, though, as it increases chances of premature births and other potential problems.

Objective 0003 
Understand parenting roles, responsibilities, and practices.

5. In which of the following situations is a parent/guardian demonstrating neglect of a child?

  1. failing to seek health care when the child is injured or sick
  2. not providing the child with routine dental examinations
  3. failing to participate in conferences at the child's school
  4. not placing the child in a preschool or other early learning setting
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Correct Response: A.
It is considered neglect when a parent/guardian does not ensure that their child is receiving the medically indicated treatment or medical care that is necessary for their child's well-being. Failing to seek health care when a child is injured or sick is a clear example of neglect.

Objective 0004 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in family and community services, early childhood education, and related services.

6. In which of the following situations would a family most clearly benefit from intervention and support?

  1. A single parent with two students in college takes a second job to help defray the cost of tuition.
  2. A couple with small children face an immediate need to provide full-time care in their home for an elderly parent.
  3. A blended family is experiencing some conflict when they begin living together in the same house.
  4. A family recently moved to a new city where both parents will be seeking employment and child care to meet their needs.
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Correct Response: B.
A sudden change in caregiving responsibilities, such as when a couple with small children suddenly need to provide full-time in-home care for an elderly parent as well, requires a great deal of support in order for the caregivers to handle the additional stresses. The family will benefit from intervention and the support of additional household help, such as other family members providing assistance, or hiring a visiting nurse or personal care provider to help with the additional caregiving responsibilities.

Objective 0005 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in human, economic, and environmental resources and consumer services.

7. The use of in-store marketing techniques for a product is most likely to influence a consumer's response to which of the following questions?

  1. Does this store offer a reasonable return policy for this product?
  2. Which brand of this product is most affordable?
  3. Does this store offer the best price in the immediate area for this product?
  4. Which brand of this product should I purchase?
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Correct Response: D.
In-store marketing techniques include strategies such as holding flash sales, focusing on a customer's in-store experience, and providing product demonstrations and samples. These strategies are all designed to keep customers engaged in the shopping experience and educate them on products and brands, leading them to make purchases based on these experiences.

Objective 0006 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in hospitality, tourism, and recreation.

8. Which of the following statements describes how the attitudes and actions of a travel planner for a large tourism company influence customer satisfaction?

  1. A customer's perception of the company is largely determined by the responsiveness and friendliness of the employee who is the customer's direct contact.
  2. An employee promotes customer satisfaction by strictly adhering to the policies and operating procedures outlined by the company.
  3. Customers tend to be most satisfied when the employee with whom they are interacting focuses on providing relevant information.
  4. An employee who frequently uses humor in interactions predisposes customers to feel satisfied with the company's services.
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Correct Response: A.
The travel planner's service directly influences a customer's experience of the company, so it is critical that customers have a positive experience. An employee who is friendly and responsive is more likely to create a good impression on the customer. Customers are likely to be satisfied if they feel that the travel planner is responsive to their needs and has a helpful and positive attitude toward customer service. A positive personal connection with the travel planner will positively impact the overall impression of the company.

Objective 0006 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in hospitality, tourism, and recreation.

9. The director of a state park that includes several interpretive exhibits is advocating for adding QR codes to each exhibit. Adding this technology is most likely to improve the park experience by:

  1. keeping the information related to exhibits up to date.
  2. ensuring compliance regarding access for guests with special needs.
  3. motivating guests to visit the exhibits multiple times.
  4. providing guests with additional text, photographs, and videos related to the exhibits.
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Correct Response: D.
QR codes allow guests to use their smartphones to link to additional information including photographs and videos. This creates a multimedia experience that integrates technology into guests' visits to the state park and increases the content that can be presented in the exhibits.

Objective 0007 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in food and beverage production and services, food science and technology, and dietetics.

10. A cook has planned the following dinner menu.

(baby greens with cilantro-lime vinaigrette)

Salmon Fillet with Sweet Chili Salsa

Garlic-Roasted Green Beans

Whole-Grain Dinner Roll

Nonfat Vanilla Yogurt (mini-cup with fresh raspberries)

This menu would be most appropriate for an individual who wants to address which of the following health goals?

  1. lowering cholesterol
  2. eliminating gluten
  3. building muscle
  4. increasing fiber
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Correct Response: A.
The foods included in this menu include heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids in the salmon, fiber in the vegetables and whole grains, and a low-fat dessert that includes fresh fruit. These foods have properties that are important in lowering cholesterol levels. General dietary recommendations for lowering cholesterol include eating high-fiber foods, reducing saturated fats, avoiding trans fats, limiting total intake of cholesterol, and replacing less healthy fats with unsaturated fats. This dinner menu meets these dietary recommendations.

Objective 0007 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in food and beverage production and services, food science and technology, and dietetics.

11. Nell has been diagnosed with diabetes and is working with a nutrition specialist to create a healthy dietary plan. Which of the following guidelines should the nutrition specialist recommend?

  1. limiting her intake of carbohydrates to breakfast and lunch
  2. choosing simple instead of complex carbohydrates when possible
  3. filling half of her plate with non-starchy vegetables
  4. increasing her intake of whole milk and full-fat yogurt
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Correct Response: C.
The recommendation to fill half the plate with non-starchy vegetables is a helpful guideline to address a healthy diet for someone with diabetes. Non-starchy vegetables provide a good source of fiber as well as vitamins and other nutrients that help keep blood sugar levels from rising too high. High-fiber vegetables provide a sense of fullness and can help lower total calorie consumption when combined with items such as healthy proteins and whole grains or starchy foods to complete the plate.

Objective 0008 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in housing, interior design, textiles, and apparel.

12. A couple with two children who is expecting twins is meeting with a designer to discuss how best to renovate their existing home to accommodate their growing family. The couple is unable to afford an addition to the home. Given this information, the designer should recommend which of the following approaches in the interior design of the home?

  1. reconfiguring or opening up space to serve multiple functions
  2. adding sound-muffling surfaces such as cork or quiet board
  3. replacing current furnishings with modular furnishings
  4. emphasizing closed storage over open shelving
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Correct Response: A.
The most cost-effective way of helping a growing family use their space more effectively would be to evaluate the current use of space and determine ways to make the space work better. For example, it might be possible to repurpose a home office or dining room into a bedroom, or put a desk into a corner of the living room to provide a homework and bill-paying spot.

Objective 0008 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in housing, interior design, textiles, and apparel.

13. The chemical reactivity of a fiber is most relevant to a fabric's:

  1. wrinkle resistance.
  2. resiliency.
  3. care requirements.
  4. luster.
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Correct Response: C.
How a fiber reacts to water or chemicals in cleaners such as detergents or soaps determines what kind of care a fabric needs. Some fabrics do not handle immersion in water and need to be dry cleaned. Some materials may not handle detergents and need to be cleaned using other methods. For example, upholstery fabrics could discolor or fade if cleaned with harsh detergents or cleaners and may require a gentle approach.

Objective 0009 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in facilities management and maintenance.

14. Which of the following principles underlies the practice of integrated pest management?

  1. creating an individualized mixture of pesticides to target specific pest infestations
  2. introducing natural predators to an environment to reduce the size of a pest population
  3. applying organically based pesticides to divert pest populations to other areas
  4. using environmentally compatible procedures to reduce pest populations to tolerable levels
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Correct Response: D.
Integrated pest management focuses on long-term prevention of pests through a combination of techniques that could include biological control, manipulating the environment, and the selection and cultivation of crops that are resistant to pests and diseases. Crops are monitored and pesticides are only used when they are truly needed. Pest control methods and materials are selected and used in ways that minimize risks to human health, beneficial organisms, and the environment.

Objective 0009 
Understand knowledge, skills, and practices relevant to careers in facilities management and maintenance.

15. A facilities manager is part of a waste management team for a company that produces and ships plastic shelving units. The team has been asked to develop a waste minimization plan for the company. Which of the following steps should the team take first in this process?

  1. brainstorming potential areas and opportunities for reducing waste
  2. conducting an audit to determine current waste levels and associated costs
  3. developing a high-level plan and timeline for addressing waste reduction
  4. evaluating the efficiency and cost of waste carriers that are currently being used
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Correct Response: B.
The first step in creating a waste minimization plan is to determine the current waste situation. It is not possible to determine or evaluate ways to minimize waste without having a baseline to refer to. Having a baseline would then allow the team to take the next steps in creating a waste minimization plan.

Objective 0010 
Understand relationships in work and community settings, career development process, and ways to support students' career development in family and consumer sciences.

16. Joely and Mira work next to each other in an open cubicle environment in which they share a double cubicle. Joely likes to keep her workspace neat and organized, but Mira takes a more relaxed approach. Recently, Mira's stacks of papers have begun to spill over into Joely's area. Joely has moved the stacks back into Mira's space several times but is feeling resentful and angry about Mira's apparent lack of respect for her workspace and about having to keep moving Mira's things out of her way. Which of the following steps should Joely take first in attempting to address this issue with Mira?

  1. explaining to Mira that her work habits are annoying and causing Joely undue stress
  2. offering to assist Mira in organizing her area in a more efficient way
  3. speaking calmly and directly to Mira about the impact of Mira's behavior on Joely's work
  4. scheduling a meeting with Mira's direct manager to explain the concerns
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Correct Response: C.
Addressing the situation directly, objectively, and calmly is the most appropriate first step. Mira clearly does not understand how her habits are negatively impacting Joely, but it would not be appropriate for Joely to make a personal criticism of Mira. Rather, it would be more effective for Joely to address the issue in terms of how Mira's behavior of leaving papers outside of her space is affecting Joely's work. This makes the situation about the behavior and not the person involved, and provides Mira an opportunity to change this behavior.

Objective 0010 
Understand relationships in work and community settings, career development process, and ways to support students' career development in family and consumer sciences.

17. A middle school family and consumer sciences teacher is focusing a current unit of instruction on the following Reasoning for Action standard:

Implement practical reasoning for responsible action in families, workplaces, and communities.

Which of the following student activities would best address this standard?

  1. investigating the ways in which one local business contributes to the well-being of the community
  2. identifying a need in the local community and developing a plan for addressing that need
  3. selecting a current event in the local community and researching the effects of that event on families
  4. participating in training to develop skills for resolving interpersonal conflict in healthy ways
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Correct Response: B.
The focus of the stated standard is on implementation of reasoning skills. The activity that best addresses the implementation of practical reasoning for responsible action in families, workplaces, and communities is to identify a community need and then develop a plan to address that need. This requires students to apply other reasoning skills (e.g., evaluation, analysis, scientific inquiry) in a real-world practical situation and results in a benefit to the local community.

Objective 0011 
Understand the process of reading and apply knowledge of strategies for promoting students' reading development in the family and consumer sciences classroom.

18. A family and consumer sciences teacher notices that many students forget new discipline-specific vocabulary shortly after a unit assessment. Students also sometimes confuse new vocabulary introduced during different units of study. Which instructional strategy would be most effective in promoting the students' understanding and retention of new vocabulary that has been explicitly taught?

  1. improving the students' word-identification skills and oral reading fluency using grade-level content-area word lists
  2. promoting the students' recognition of discipline-specific language structures and functions
  3. providing the students with repeated exposure to and opportunities to use new vocabulary in context
  4. teaching the students how to use independent word-learning strategies to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary
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Correct Response: C.
The most effective strategy for helping students retain new content-specific vocabulary words related to family and consumer sciences topics is to provide opportunities to read and repeatedly use the new words in context. Students gain vocabulary knowledge from context as they read; however, this type of learning typically requires repetition.

Objective 0011 
Understand the process of reading and apply knowledge of strategies for promoting students' reading development in the family and consumer sciences classroom.

19. A family and consumer sciences teacher regularly conducts a "graphic walk" through a text prior to assigning the text for reading. During the "walk," the teacher leads students in analyzing each graphic in the text (e.g., illustrations, diagrams, tables, charts) and noting in the text margins or on a sticky note what information the graphic conveys. Later, when students read the text, the teacher has them look for statements or claims by the author that are supported by the information in the graphic. The teacher's practice of conducting "graphic walks" supports students' content-area reading development primarily by promoting their ability to:

  1. make inferences about ideas or concepts described in a text.
  2. integrate and evaluate information presented in different formats in a text.
  3. use graphic organizers to analyze a text's overall structure.
  4. summarize key information in a text without plagiarizing an author's words.
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Correct Response: B.
Graphics within texts often have the purpose of providing information that supports or illustrates content in the main text. By highlighting the graphics before encountering them in the text, students will attend to the graphics. They will be better able to identify the purpose of the graphics and understand how they add or support information in the text. Without explicit guidance, students may overlook the graphics or not attend to the connection of the graphics to the text.

Objective 0012 
Understand how to plan, deliver, and evaluate instruction appropriate to the individual disciplines of family and consumer sciences.

20. A family and consumer sciences teacher is planning a lesson about different types of fabric finishes. Which of the following aspects of the lesson is most responsive to the needs of students in the class who are kinesthetic learners?

  1. providing students with swatches of fabrics with different finishes for them to examine and compare
  2. engaging students in developing a word bank of descriptive words for different types of finishes
  3. showing students photographs of different fabric finishes used in the context of apparel or home décor
  4. working with students to create a web that illustrates commonalities between different fabric finishes
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Correct Response: A.
Kinesthetic learners benefit from hands-on, physical activities. Providing actual sample swatches of fabrics for students to examine by handling and making comparisons among them would particularly benefit kinesthetic learners. Activities that present information in ways that focus on verbal, visual, or graphic elements would be less likely to benefit kinesthetic learners.